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Halachah Matters

Halachah Matters

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Exploring Halachah Through Engaging Short Stories

Product Description

A business partner arranged a meeting with you in another state. After you fly in to meet with him, he cancels the meeting. Is he responsible for your costs?

Your daughter-in-law makes your favorite dessert, but you find it flavorless. May you lie in order to preserve shalom bayis?

Your young child accidentally breaks a vase at a store. Are you responsible?

With true-to-life anecdotes that are as relevant as they are entertaining,

Halachah Matters

presents the reader with modern-day halachic dilemmas. For each predicament, a halachic analysis ensues, followed by a conclusion and further questions to consider — providing an ideal springboard for meaningful dialogue in a wide variety of settings.

“This sefer is full of beautiful insights and replete with precious pearls [of wisdom] …” (translated from Hebrew)

– Rav Asher Weiss

“My dear friend, R. Zvi Nachman, has been giving shiurim for many years that would make Rav Moshe [Feinstein], zt”l, proud! Halachah Matters reflects the hard work, common sense, and painstaking limud HaTorah of an exceptional ben Torah.”

– Rav Moshe Weinberger

“[A] sefer which is both informative and entertaining. The halachah is…illustrated in story form, piquing the reader’s curiosity, making it impossible to stop reading before reaching the author’s conclusion.”

– Rav Shalom Rosner
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Feldheim Publishers