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Publisher Hachai Publishing

A Dozen Daisies for Raizy – A Shavuos Story

Author Miriam Zakon
Publisher Hachai Publishing

A Dozen Daisies for Raizy – A Shavuos Story

Author Miriam Zakon

Availability: In stock


Product Description

Raizy, the hero­ine of A Dozen Daisies for Raizy, goes shop­ping with her Bub­by to buy flow­ers for Shavu­os, choos­ing a dozen daisies to bright­en her home for the hol­i­day. On the way back she helps a new friend feel like part of the com­mu­ni­ty by ask­ing her to help with the family’s Kid­dush, invites a lone­ly woman to join her fam­i­ly for blintzes, and offers to help with a neighbor’s twins so she and the neigh­bor can both hear the Ten Com­mand­ments read in the syn­a­gogue. To each neigh­bor she gives two of her daisies. Though her bou­quet grows small­er, her joy increas­es as she remem­bers the neigh­bors she cheered with her mitzvot. Bold, bright­ly col­ored illus­tra­tions help to tell the sto­ry and show the mood of the char­ac­ters. With­out preach­ing, this sweet sto­ry teach­es much about the mean­ing of Shavous and how it is tra­di­tion­al­ly cel­e­brat­ed. In a unique twist, the book fea­tures char­ac­ters from both the Ashke­naz­ic and Sephardic com­mu­ni­ties, using dif­fer­ent lan­guages, dialects and phras­es to wish one anoth­er a hap­py hol­i­day. As a note at the begin­ning of the book explains, ​“This high­lights how impor­tant it is that all Jews remain unit­ed at the core, just as they were on the very first Shavu­os.” A glos­sary defines the Yid­dish and Hebrew words used in the sto­ry. Ages 4 – 8.
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Hachai Publishing
Miriam Zakon